Kids Ninja Village (Chibikko Ninja Mura)



One of two locations in Togakushi dedicated to the Togakure school of ninjutsu, the Kids Ninja Village is particularly geared for small children. The kids (as well as their parents) can rent a ninja costume and try their skill at an extensive variety of athletic challenges. One of the most popular is pulling a rope to cross a pond standing on a raft. There are also a ninja fun house, a museum of ninjutsu arts, a shuriken throwing range, and, periodically, ninja demonstrations.
Togakushi’s Kids Ninja Village is perfect for little children with lots of energy to channel their inner-ninja.

Location 3193, Togakushi, Nagano City Map
TEL 0262-54-3723
Business hours 09:00-17:00
Usage fee Entrance + activity fees : 500 yen
Date(s) Late April through late November (closed in the winter. Ninja Daimon store near Zenkoji Temple in central Nagano City open year-round.) Closed Thursdays except July and August.

Access and Parking


By Train:60 min by Togakushi line bus from Nagano Station (Hokuriku Shinkansen) -> a 15 min. walk
By Car:31 km / 60 min from Nagano IC
20 km / 30 min from Shinanomachi IC


Summer Activities


Historical Sites

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